Class IV Deep Tissue Laser Therapy
Do you have an area of nagging aches and pains that hasn’t resolved despite numerous trials of manual/physical therapy?
Drugs will likely only mask the issue at hand and surgeries should be saved as a last resort option.
Our Class IV Deep Tissue Laser from Lightforce can help resolve issues such as sprains, strains, tendonitis, fasciitis, arthritis, and basic tissue repair. It works by emitting a beam of infrared light, and a process known as photobiomodulation, which allows the cells to convert this energy absorbed from the light into energy to aid in cellular repair. Laser therapy also promotes blood flow to the area, further promoting tissue repair while providing a soothing warmth to the tissues. Treatments are pain free and typically last between 3 and 15 minutes depending on the area being treated. Call today and schedule your first laser treatment, or meet with one of our doctors and learn more about how laser therapy can benefit you.